C# application for paxton door access

Paxton offers a product range including IP, wireless and battery powered access control solutions to provide reliable security for any site requirement.

We ordered one door access card reader & control unit, with it comes net2 software shipped, in wich you can manage users access cards (wich doors who can open and when, expiration date etc..)

I will use the access control for a gym, where members can open the front door with their personal (rfid) card, untill their membership expires.

There was no way to automatically re-activate the members card after they renewed their subscription online, but since the net2 software paxton develops has a net2 sdk available, I created a c# application that updates the user automatically.

In this case a simple console application would be enough, wich runs every 5 minutes, checking a directory for xml files.
If a member renews their subscription or a new member is created an xml is sent to the server where the application picks up the xml and updates / creates the user in the net2 database:

class Program

        private const int REMOTE_PORT = 8025;
        private const string REMOTE_HOST = "IPADDRESS NET2 SERVER";
        private OemClient _net2Client = new OemClient(REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_PORT);
        private static string logFile = string.Format("log/log-{0}-{1}-{2}.txt", DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
        private string sourceDirectory = @"xml";
        private string archiveDirectory = @"archive\";
        private StreamWriter log = File.AppendText(logFile);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program main = new Program();
        //Check if there are xml files with user updates in the directory
        public int startUp()
            IEnumerable xmlFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.xml");
            if (xmlFiles.Count() <= 0)
                Log("Nothing to do, shutting down..");

                return 1;

            bool res = AuthenticateUser("OEM Client", "password");
            if(res != true)
                Log("Authentication failed, exiting application");
                return 1;
            Log("Authentication success");
            //Check for available xml files
            return 1;

        private void loadAndParseXml(IEnumerable xmlFiles)
            //Check if there are files
            foreach (string file in xmlFiles)
                string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);
                if(parseXml(contents) == true)
                    string fileName = file.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length + 1);
                    File.Move(file, archiveDirectory + fileName);

        private bool parseXml(string xmlstr)
            Log("Parse XML");
            XElement users = XElement.Parse(xmlstr);
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "update")
                Log("This user needs an update");
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "create")
                Log("This user needs an add");

            return true;

        private DateTime stringToDateTime(string date)
            // Date strings are interpreted according to the current culture. 
            // If the culture is en-US, this is interpreted as "January 8, 2008",
            // but if the user's computer is fr-FR, this is interpreted as "August 1, 2008" 
            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(date);

            return dt;

        * Update existing users in Net2
        * Field9_50 is Emailaddress (don't ask me why)
        private void updateUsers(XElement users)
            var data = from item in users.Descendants("user")
                       select new
                           email = item.Element("emailaddress").Value,
                           expiration = item.Element("expirationdate").Value,

            foreach (var p in data)

                //IUser interface object is returned
                IUsers userList = _net2Client.ViewUserRecords(String.Format("Field9_50 = '{0}' AND active=1", p.email));

                if (userList.UsersList().Count - 1 > 1)
                    Log("Houston, we've got a problem, multiple users!! Abort Abort!");

                //Since there is always only one user, we can assume the only one in the list is the correct user
                var user = userList.UsersList()[userList.UsersList().Keys.ElementAt(userList.UsersList().Count - 1)];

                DateTime expDate;
                expDate = stringToDateTime(p.expiration);

                string[] customFields = new string[] { "" };

                bool blnResult = false;

                blnResult = _net2Client.UpdateUserRecord(user.UserId,

                Log(string.Format("Update user Status: {0}, Name: {1}, ExpirationDate: {2}", blnResult, user.FirstName, expDate));


        * Authenticate user
        * For some reason we can't authenticate with username password, only with userId Password..
        * So we need to get the userId and Authenticate with it..
        private bool AuthenticateUser(string userName, string password)
            IOperators operators = _net2Client.GetListOfOperators();
            Dictionary<int, string> operatorsList = operators.UsersDictionary();
            foreach (int userID in operatorsList.Keys)
                if (operatorsList[userID] == userName)
                    Dictionary<string, int> methodList = _net2Client.AuthenticateUser(userID, password);
                    return (methodList != null);
            return false;

        private void Log(string logMessage)
            log.Write("\r\nLog Entry : ");
            log.WriteLine("{0} {1} : {2}", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),
            DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), logMessage);


The xml files that are added in the xml directory look like this:

	<email>[email protected]</email>

After the file has been parsed it will be moved to the archive folder, for later reference or checking.


    1. Hi Jim,

      I use the users Emailaddress to update their expiration date, so my xml looks like this:

      <email>[email protected]</email>

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C# application for paxton door access

Paxton offers a product range including IP, wireless and battery powered access control solutions to provide reliable security for any site requirement.

We ordered one door access card reader & control unit, with it comes net2 software shipped, in wich you can manage users access cards (wich doors who can open and when, expiration date etc..)

I will use the access control for a gym, where members can open the front door with their personal (rfid) card, untill their membership expires.

There was no way to automatically re-activate the members card after they renewed their subscription online, but since the net2 software paxton develops has a net2 sdk available, I created a c# application that updates the user automatically.

In this case a simple console application would be enough, wich runs every 5 minutes, checking a directory for xml files.
If a member renews their subscription or a new member is created an xml is sent to the server where the application picks up the xml and updates / creates the user in the net2 database:

class Program

        private const int REMOTE_PORT = 8025;
        private const string REMOTE_HOST = "IPADDRESS NET2 SERVER";
        private OemClient _net2Client = new OemClient(REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_PORT);
        private static string logFile = string.Format("log/log-{0}-{1}-{2}.txt", DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
        private string sourceDirectory = @"xml";
        private string archiveDirectory = @"archive\";
        private StreamWriter log = File.AppendText(logFile);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program main = new Program();
        //Check if there are xml files with user updates in the directory
        public int startUp()
            IEnumerable xmlFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.xml");
            if (xmlFiles.Count() <= 0)
                Log("Nothing to do, shutting down..");

                return 1;

            bool res = AuthenticateUser("OEM Client", "password");
            if(res != true)
                Log("Authentication failed, exiting application");
                return 1;
            Log("Authentication success");
            //Check for available xml files
            return 1;

        private void loadAndParseXml(IEnumerable xmlFiles)
            //Check if there are files
            foreach (string file in xmlFiles)
                string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);
                if(parseXml(contents) == true)
                    string fileName = file.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length + 1);
                    File.Move(file, archiveDirectory + fileName);

        private bool parseXml(string xmlstr)
            Log("Parse XML");
            XElement users = XElement.Parse(xmlstr);
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "update")
                Log("This user needs an update");
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "create")
                Log("This user needs an add");

            return true;

        private DateTime stringToDateTime(string date)
            // Date strings are interpreted according to the current culture. 
            // If the culture is en-US, this is interpreted as "January 8, 2008",
            // but if the user's computer is fr-FR, this is interpreted as "August 1, 2008" 
            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(date);

            return dt;

        * Update existing users in Net2
        * Field9_50 is Emailaddress (don't ask me why)
        private void updateUsers(XElement users)
            var data = from item in users.Descendants("user")
                       select new
                           email = item.Element("emailaddress").Value,
                           expiration = item.Element("expirationdate").Value,

            foreach (var p in data)

                //IUser interface object is returned
                IUsers userList = _net2Client.ViewUserRecords(String.Format("Field9_50 = '{0}' AND active=1", p.email));

                if (userList.UsersList().Count - 1 > 1)
                    Log("Houston, we've got a problem, multiple users!! Abort Abort!");

                //Since there is always only one user, we can assume the only one in the list is the correct user
                var user = userList.UsersList()[userList.UsersList().Keys.ElementAt(userList.UsersList().Count - 1)];

                DateTime expDate;
                expDate = stringToDateTime(p.expiration);

                string[] customFields = new string[] { "" };

                bool blnResult = false;

                blnResult = _net2Client.UpdateUserRecord(user.UserId,

                Log(string.Format("Update user Status: {0}, Name: {1}, ExpirationDate: {2}", blnResult, user.FirstName, expDate));


        * Authenticate user
        * For some reason we can't authenticate with username password, only with userId Password..
        * So we need to get the userId and Authenticate with it..
        private bool AuthenticateUser(string userName, string password)
            IOperators operators = _net2Client.GetListOfOperators();
            Dictionary<int, string> operatorsList = operators.UsersDictionary();
            foreach (int userID in operatorsList.Keys)
                if (operatorsList[userID] == userName)
                    Dictionary<string, int> methodList = _net2Client.AuthenticateUser(userID, password);
                    return (methodList != null);
            return false;

        private void Log(string logMessage)
            log.Write("\r\nLog Entry : ");
            log.WriteLine("{0} {1} : {2}", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),
            DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), logMessage);


The xml files that are added in the xml directory look like this:

	<email>[email protected]</email>

After the file has been parsed it will be moved to the archive folder, for later reference or checking.


    1. Hi Jim,

      I use the users Emailaddress to update their expiration date, so my xml looks like this:

      <email>[email protected]</email>

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