
Thoughts and Upcomings are shared here.

Simple DIY Product Photography

A friend asked me to try and make some nice product pictures for his website.
Since I mostly shoot landscapes, I thought I would like to try  a simple setup, to shoot product photography without any specialised equipment (except for an external flash and camera offcourse 🙂 ).

I wanted some reflection of the product, so I used my old Ipad as a glass plate to place the product on, you can use any other glass plate or tablet you have available.
I first tried flashing right on the bracelet (on a white table) which gave a lot of flash reflections in the product picture:

First try, not too bad, but not that great eather..

It could be worse, but I’m not super thrilled about the result. I need to bounce the flash, and place the flash inside a small space, to get a nice effect.

So for my “product photo studio” I used one of the cubes in my ikea kallax closet, you can use any space you have preferably with a white ceiling to bounce the flash off), or create a box with some white wood
As you can see in the picture below, my wall has a little blue-ish color, which I think adds to the end result.

Product Photography Setup

Result (unedited):

Bracelet On Ipad In Closet 🙂
Other Side
Different bracelet
Different bracelet


Simple DIY Product Photography

A friend asked me to try and make some nice product pictures for his website.
Since I mostly shoot landscapes, I thought I would like to try  a simple setup, to shoot product photography without any specialised equipment (except for an external flash and camera offcourse 🙂 ).

I wanted some reflection of the product, so I used my old Ipad as a glass plate to place the product on, you can use any other glass plate or tablet you have available.
I first tried flashing right on the bracelet (on a white table) which gave a lot of flash reflections in the product picture:

First try, not too bad, but not that great eather..

It could be worse, but I’m not super thrilled about the result. I need to bounce the flash, and place the flash inside a small space, to get a nice effect.

So for my “product photo studio” I used one of the cubes in my ikea kallax closet, you can use any space you have preferably with a white ceiling to bounce the flash off), or create a box with some white wood
As you can see in the picture below, my wall has a little blue-ish color, which I think adds to the end result.

Product Photography Setup

Result (unedited):

Bracelet On Ipad In Closet 🙂
Other Side
Different bracelet
Different bracelet


Secure your app API

The past month I tested 3 web / mobile applications on security, and 2 of them really had some big issues. They were medium sized business apps, I have sent them detailed reports, and they have fixed the issues. I won’t discuss any further details about them, I will however list the problems I found, so you can avoid having the same problems, and keep your customer data secure.

Caching repetitive requests

For a client I created a php script that gets certain user profile statistics from another website and returns it as JSON to the ajax request that our own website sends.
This was the easiest way, since saving it ourselves and keeping the data up to date with all the changes would be too much work.

In order to lower the loadtime & keep the other website from being swamped with requests (every profile load) I used memcached to cache the data for 12 hours.
Caching data with memcached is fast and simple.

If you don’t have memcached yet, you can install it on ubuntu with the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-memcached memcached

It should instantly start a memcached process, or you can start it manually:

/etc/init.d/memcached start

the config file will be in /etc/memcached.conf or /etc/sysconfig/memcached

Here you can change the port (default it runs on 11211)

Now whenever my php script gets a request for a profile, I check if we have the data cached in memory:

mc = new Memcached();
$mc->addServer("", 11211);

$result = $mc->get($cachekey);

if ($result) {
   return $result;

the cachekey can be anything you wan’t wich will identify the data you are looking for (in my case I used the url encoded as the key)

If no result was found, I then get the result from the remote website, and save it in my memcached server for 12 hours

$mc->set($cachekey, $stats, 43200);

This way only the first request for every profile in 12 hours will be sending a request to a remote server, decreasing the average loadtime of the pages for the visitors.

Don´t forget we can also use memcached for caching results we get from database queries on our own database, to decrease loadtime and database cpu load.

Personally I prefer varnish for full page caching solutions (I will talk about that in another post), but for smaller stuff like a hand full of objects / results memcached is a very nice option.


C# application for paxton door access

Paxton offers a product range including IP, wireless and battery powered access control solutions to provide reliable security for any site requirement.

We ordered one door access card reader & control unit, with it comes net2 software shipped, in wich you can manage users access cards (wich doors who can open and when, expiration date etc..)

I will use the access control for a gym, where members can open the front door with their personal (rfid) card, untill their membership expires.

There was no way to automatically re-activate the members card after they renewed their subscription online, but since the net2 software paxton develops has a net2 sdk available, I created a c# application that updates the user automatically.

In this case a simple console application would be enough, wich runs every 5 minutes, checking a directory for xml files.
If a member renews their subscription or a new member is created an xml is sent to the server where the application picks up the xml and updates / creates the user in the net2 database:

class Program

        private const int REMOTE_PORT = 8025;
        private const string REMOTE_HOST = "IPADDRESS NET2 SERVER";
        private OemClient _net2Client = new OemClient(REMOTE_HOST, REMOTE_PORT);
        private static string logFile = string.Format("log/log-{0}-{1}-{2}.txt", DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
        private string sourceDirectory = @"xml";
        private string archiveDirectory = @"archive\";
        private StreamWriter log = File.AppendText(logFile);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program main = new Program();
        //Check if there are xml files with user updates in the directory
        public int startUp()
            IEnumerable xmlFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.xml");
            if (xmlFiles.Count() <= 0)
                Log("Nothing to do, shutting down..");

                return 1;

            bool res = AuthenticateUser("OEM Client", "password");
            if(res != true)
                Log("Authentication failed, exiting application");
                return 1;
            Log("Authentication success");
            //Check for available xml files
            return 1;

        private void loadAndParseXml(IEnumerable xmlFiles)
            //Check if there are files
            foreach (string file in xmlFiles)
                string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);
                if(parseXml(contents) == true)
                    string fileName = file.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length + 1);
                    File.Move(file, archiveDirectory + fileName);

        private bool parseXml(string xmlstr)
            Log("Parse XML");
            XElement users = XElement.Parse(xmlstr);
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "update")
                Log("This user needs an update");
            if(users.Name.ToString() == "create")
                Log("This user needs an add");

            return true;

        private DateTime stringToDateTime(string date)
            // Date strings are interpreted according to the current culture. 
            // If the culture is en-US, this is interpreted as "January 8, 2008",
            // but if the user's computer is fr-FR, this is interpreted as "August 1, 2008" 
            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(date);

            return dt;

        * Update existing users in Net2
        * Field9_50 is Emailaddress (don't ask me why)
        private void updateUsers(XElement users)
            var data = from item in users.Descendants("user")
                       select new
                           email = item.Element("emailaddress").Value,
                           expiration = item.Element("expirationdate").Value,

            foreach (var p in data)

                //IUser interface object is returned
                IUsers userList = _net2Client.ViewUserRecords(String.Format("Field9_50 = '{0}' AND active=1",;

                if (userList.UsersList().Count - 1 > 1)
                    Log("Houston, we've got a problem, multiple users!! Abort Abort!");

                //Since there is always only one user, we can assume the only one in the list is the correct user
                var user = userList.UsersList()[userList.UsersList().Keys.ElementAt(userList.UsersList().Count - 1)];

                DateTime expDate;
                expDate = stringToDateTime(p.expiration);

                string[] customFields = new string[] { "" };

                bool blnResult = false;

                blnResult = _net2Client.UpdateUserRecord(user.UserId,

                Log(string.Format("Update user Status: {0}, Name: {1}, ExpirationDate: {2}", blnResult, user.FirstName, expDate));


        * Authenticate user
        * For some reason we can't authenticate with username password, only with userId Password..
        * So we need to get the userId and Authenticate with it..
        private bool AuthenticateUser(string userName, string password)
            IOperators operators = _net2Client.GetListOfOperators();
            Dictionary<int, string> operatorsList = operators.UsersDictionary();
            foreach (int userID in operatorsList.Keys)
                if (operatorsList[userID] == userName)
                    Dictionary<string, int> methodList = _net2Client.AuthenticateUser(userID, password);
                    return (methodList != null);
            return false;

        private void Log(string logMessage)
            log.Write("\r\nLog Entry : ");
            log.WriteLine("{0} {1} : {2}", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),
            DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), logMessage);


The xml files that are added in the xml directory look like this:

	<email>[email protected]</email>

After the file has been parsed it will be moved to the archive folder, for later reference or checking.